line plot


The visualization of time-oriented data is an essential part for analysis, which is solved by software applications in today’s digital age. The graphical preparation of time-oriented data is additionally a difficult task, because time is a complex variable. Visualization techniques try to prepare time-oriented data in a graphical way to identify specific patterns and structures. For the development of such techniques sample data is required, which is used for testing and demonstration. Data can be obtained from various sources, in which real data is not always available, e.g. due to legal issues. In such cases synthetic data can be used. Synthetic data is produced by data generators. There exist several generator, in which most are not specialized in time-oriented data. Even fewer generator are able to visualize the data they generated. In order to close this gap this master thesis presents a software design, which is able to generate time-oriented data in a visual way. Data will no longer be generated first and then visualized, data is generated directly from visualization. This master thesis describes a software design which is able to generate time-oriented data with visual aspects. An additional aim is to provide a design, which is good enough for both expert and non-expert, so they can work with a corresponding implementation. This design is represented by a prototype, which is also used for the evaluation. An expert and two users, who are not experts on time-oriented data, use the prototype and generate specific data sets.

Year of Publication
Secondary Title
Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology
Number of Pages
reposiTUm Handle
TU Wien
Place Published
S. Weiser, “Utilizing visual methods to generate synthetic time-oriented data”, Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology. TU Wien, Vienna, p. 96, 2021.
Master Thesis
W. Aigner, Kainz, C., Ma, R., and Miksch, S., “Bertin was Right: An Empirical Evaluation of Indexing to Compare Multivariate Time-Series Data Using Line Plots”, Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 30, no. 1, p. 215--228, 2011.