We are hiring: Post-Doc and Phd-Student for FWF Project on Visual Interactive Space-Time Segmentation

Submitted by Markus Bögl on

We seek highly motivated and talented individuals (all genders) to join our dynamic research team within our Research Unit of Visual Analytics (CVAST), situated at the Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology, TU Wien. 

>>> Research Topics:  Visual Analytics and Visualization (focus on time, space, and uncertainty)

We offer two positions, first a Post-Doc researcher and second a PhD student. Both will work on the FWF-funded KAVis Project for Visual Interactive Space-Time Segmentation. You can find more details on the project webpage: https://www.cvast.tuwien.ac.at/projects/kavis


The successful applicant will

  • perform interdisciplinary basic research and develop concepts in Visualization (Visual Analytics, Information Visualization) for Knowledge Assisted Visual Analytics solutions that deal with multivariate spatial and temporal data analysis and uncertainties.
  • design new concepts and techniques, and implement interactive prototypes
  • write scientific publications
  • review scientific publications
  • participate in applied scientific and consulting projects
  • participate in writing research proposals
  • work within a creative, highly motivated, and international team
  • (to a smaller extent) participate in teaching and supervision of student projects, and theses


  • (for PhD students) University degree in Computer Science, Business Informatics/Information Systems, or an equivalent university-level degree that qualifies to enroll as a Ph.D. student
  • (for Post-Doc): an excellent PhD degree and a solid track record in Computer Science with a focus on  Visualization (Visual Analytics, Information Visualization) or some other project-related area (as mentioned above)
  • Strong analytical skills and good skills in programming (preferably  R, Python, JavaScript, or similar)
  • Knowledge or interest in one or more of the following: Visualization (Visual Analytics, Information Visualization), Human-Computer Interaction, Information Design, Knowledge Engineering.
  • Ability to work as an independent and flexible researcher in interdisciplinary teams (corresponding to either PhD or PostDoc level)
  • Good knowledge of English in speaking and writing.
  • (for Post-Doc): prior publications in the mentioned areas


Knowledge or interest in one or more of the following:

  • Visual Analytics applied to geospatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal data. Visualization for statistical analysis of spatial and temporal data. Modeling and prediction of spatial and temporal data. Uncertainty in Space, Time and Data Domain. The particular focus is on Visualization/Visual Analytics of various multivariate data over Time and Space.
  • (for Post-Doc) Experience in supervising of PhD students


We offer

  • A creative environment in Vienna, one of the most liveable cities in the world
  • Freedom to explore both your scientific and creative interests in the course of your work (within the scope of the project goals)
  • A young and international team of researchers with an excellent working atmosphere
  • A work environment that is well-equipped with the newest hardware and software technology
  • The possibility to present and defend your research visions and results at top international conferences and journals
  • Continuing personal and professional education

The applicant will be funded according to the Austrian Collective Agreement for university staff, allowing you to support a comfortable life in Vienna (see below).


Application deadline: until February 10th, 2025.

  • Start date: as early as possible  (negotiable)
  • Duration: 3 years

Working Hours and Salary

Following the guidelines of the Austrian Collective Agreement (KV) of the TU Wien,  more information (in German): https://www.tuwien.at/fileadmin/Assets/dienstleister/personaladministration/FB_wiss._Personal/Gehaltstabellen/Personalkostensaetze_2025.pdf

The PhD student position is for 30 hours/week for 3 years, and during that time, the candidate will work on their PhD thesis, obtaining their PhD in informatics at TU Wien. For the PhD student, the entry-level salary is determined by the pay grade B1 of the Austrian collective agreement for university staff. This is a minimum of currently EUR 2.786,10month gross, 14 times/year for 30 hours/week (EUR 39.005,40/year gross). Relevant working experiences may increase the monthly income.

The Post-Doc position is full-time employment for 40 hours/week for 3 years. The Post-Doc is expected to have the role of senior researcher within the project and work together with the principal investigator on the success of the project, as well as act as an additional advisor and mentor to the PhD student together with the PI Markus Bögl and the scientific PhD advisor Silvia Miksch

For the Post-Doc, the entry-level salary is determined by the pay grade B1 of the Austrian collective agreement for university staff. This is a minimum of currently EUR 4.932,90/month gross, 14 times/year for 40 hours/week (EUR 69.060,60/year gross). Relevant working experiences may increase the monthly income.

We look forward to receiving your application until February 10th, 2025.

  • The application should include
    • Cover letter in which you describe your motivation and qualifications for the position.
    • Curriculum vitae, including a list of your publications and the contact information of three references.
    • Certificates of degrees and grades in courses taken so far.
    • Link to the thesis of the highest obtained degree in PDF form.
    • (for Post-Doc) Description of your scientific interests and plans (1-2 pages).
    • (for Post-Doc) Statement of your teaching goals and experience (1-2 pages).

Send your Applications via E-Mail to Markus Bögl using the subject “KAVis PhD student” or “KAVis Post-Doctoral Researcher”