Guidelines for Students

Internal Guidelines

Proposal Guideline
Research proposal at the beginning of the seminar, practical, bachelor, master, or Ph.D. thesis projects

Structure & Content of Documents to Submit
Guidelines about what documents need to be submitted and in which structure

Documentation Guideline
Guideline for documentation of architecture and source code

State of the Art Report Guideline
Guideline for structure and content of state of the art reports

Presentation Guideline
Guideline for giving a presentation about your work

Review Guideline
Guideline how to write reviews and rebuttals


Citation Rules



What is important to us?

  • provide evidence for statements (e.g., by references to literature)
  • do proof-reading of documents before submitting them
  • write all documents in ENGLISH - give presentations in ENGLISH
  • use some kind of diff tool when submitting revised documents to make changes readily visible (e.g., latexdiff)
  • show an autonomous and active work style
  • provide good and consistent documentation
  • provide a good project summary page (HTML)
  • keep us updated continuously on the status of the project
  • comply with the submission guidelines
  • provide a readme file containing most important information about running the program and its parameters


Official Guidelines

Official guidelines page of the faculty of informatics
(guidelines and templates for diploma thesis, diploma poster, etc.)

Official forms of the Dekanat
(proposal/abstract for diploma thesis and Ph.D. theses, etc.)



Master thesis: Official templates of the faculty of informatics
(master thesis document, poster, etc.)

Bachelor thesis: LaTeX template for bachelor thesis
(based on official master thesis template and adjusted for bachelor theses)

Seminar works: LaTeX template for seminar works
(seminar works, proposals, papers, etc.)

Using SVN in Eclipse

In many projects, it is more practical to work under source control, especially if you are going to work together with other students. This also provides access to a managed version of any codebase we provided and enables us to review your code and help in solving problems remotely. Our repositories are maintained in a secure SVN server.

We use Eclipse for our projects, so here we provide some tips of how to get source control to work under Eclipse:

  1. Install the latest version of the Subclipse plugin for Eclipse. You can do that from within your Eclipse: goto Help -> Install New Software, click "Add..." and insert the URL of the update site for the Subclipse plugin (you can get the URL for the latest release from the Subclipse download page).
  2. Goto Window -> Preferences -> Team -> SVN, and set the SVN Client to SVNKit (Pure Java). Click OK.
  3. Goto Window -> Open Perspective [ -> Other] -> SVN Repository Exploring.
  4. From the toolbar of the "SVN Repositories" view, click Add SVN Repository.
  5. Paste the URL we provide you for your project (make sure you paste the whole URL including the "svn+ssh//" prefix).

Useful Resources



Student How To (Christian Tominski)
general guidelines for projects and theses

How to Organize your Thesis (John W. Chinneck)
Tips for the structure and content of diploma/master theses

Citation rules
Infos on how to reference scientific literature correctly

Wissenschaftliches Schreiben (Interactive Media Systems Group, TU Wien)
Was ist ein Paper?, Aufbau eines Papers, Aufbau Ihrer Seminararbeit, Schreibstil, Abbildungen und Tabellen, Formatierung, Zitatieren und Literaturliste

Selected TIPS: How to Do Research (Silvia Miksch)
More interesting links about scientific working, writing, presenting, etc.

Poster Design Tipps

Information about poster printing @ archlab TU Wien




Bibliography Management


Organization & Preparation Tips
Top Ten Slide Tips
Top Ten Delivery Tips
Note & Point (A gallery of PowerPoint and Keynote presentations)

154 Presentation Tips and Techniques by David Wilks